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SEP/16/24 New art therapy group

A 16-session closed art therapy group to explore how we connect with ourselves, each other, and our immediate and wider environment.

Creating art is a direct way to connect with ourselves. Even without discussion or interpretation, it helps us get closer to our feelings, states, and core inner truths. During our work together, we will draw, paint, and create collages extensively. We will use a variety of visual art techniques, with all materials and tools provided in the workshop. No prior experience or drawing skills are necessary to participate.

The goal of the group is to support one another in gaining an understanding of the driving forces behind our connections and to collaboratively explore ways and opportunities to improve them. Group members will go through this process together, so participation is open to those who commit to the full journey. Once the group is formed, no new participants can join, and commitment is finalized after the second session.

  • Location: KanguLUM Lamp Workshop, 1084 Budapest, Német Street 10
  • Session duration: 3 hours, including a break
  • Group size: 5-8 participants
  • Schedule: Tuesdays, 9:30 AM–12:30 PM
  • Start date: October 1, 2024
  • End date: January 28, 2025
  • Price: 8,000 HUF/session
  • Facilitator: Anna Kaszanitzky, sociotherapist and art therapist

The session schedule can be adjusted by mutual agreement based on participants' needs. For any questions, feel free to contact me at kangulum@gmail.com.

To register, please fill out the form here .

JUN/16/23 Life-Collage

A picture assembled from the pieces of your life.

Art therapy group begins from September in the studio (only in Hungarian for now).

DEC/19/21 Studio fair

SEP/23/21 Spinning & Reading Club

New carpet spinning & reading club with Bori Zelei in the KanguLUM Studio!

For more information contact us at kangulum@gmail.com

MAR/15/17 eco workshops at KanguLUM

DEC/06/16 Christmas workshops

DEC/04/15 studio fair and workshop in December

MAY/12/15 We are moving

The KanguLUM studio is moving soon.

JAN/29/15 1st February, Bratislava

On Sunday, 1. February from 11:00 till 19:00 KanguLUM is attanding the Visegrád Markets design fair with WAMP in Bratislava. Let's meet there in Stará tržnica, Námestie SNP 25.

JAN/28/15 new pattern

NOV/29/14 workshop in December

Lamp making workshop in the studio every Tuesday and Thursday until Christmas. Contact us at kangulum@kangulum.hu if you are interested.

APR/28/14 lamps in the saircase

Budapest100, 2014, Ráday u. 29.

APR/17/14 exhibition at TAT Contemporary Art Gallery

KanguLUM exhibition opens at TAT Contemporary Art Gallery on Saturtay at 5 pm. This unique light installation will be there only for a few days. Don't miss it! More info here

DEC/07/13 fairs in December

In December you will find us at wamp deign market every Sunday at Millenaris B csarnok.

DEC/02/13 Lamp-day

NOV/20/13 gratis earmuffs

In November every cutomer spending more than 30000 HUF at KanguLUM recieves a glowing earmuff for free. Nine days left.

NOV/05/13 MeNo

Long time no see

OCT/22/13 kelet

Our launchpad is full. Café "Kelet" opens soon...

AUG/02/13 KanguLUM is at SZIGET Festival

JUL/04/13 the best wedding gift

At KanguLUM you can buy a lamp coupon as a present.


KanguLUM spent the weekend in Wien at FESCH'MARKT. It's nice to read something like this

FEB/16/13 Kangulum weekend

JAN/18/13 Magnolia

Lamp making workshop held by KanguLUM at Studio Magnolia. Details here

JAN/18/13 2013

OCT/06/12 Prepare your own lamp

From the 15th Oktober a lamp making workshop will take place in the KanguLUM Studio where you can learn the procedure and prepare a lamp for yourself.

Detailed information is here only in Hungarian. Please ask if you are interested. Send me a mail to kangulum@kangulum.hu .

OCT/05/12 WAMP - design week

WAMP design market this weekend (6-7 Oktober) at Palazzo Dorottya (Bp. V. Dorottya u. 6.). Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 20 pm

AUG/23/12 Open Studio Party with Theatre

On the 23th August our studio is open to visitors again from 6 pm

Bánhegyi Dóra:paintings, graphic design:
first collection of SZEK (Szabó Erzsike Kármen):clothes, bags and jewellery
playback theatre: Még egy mesét akciócsoport from 8 pm.

MAY/22/12 Zsizsi in May

On the 20th April our studio is open to visitors again

graphic design: Nóra Pásti
bakelit art: Nándor Gerebecz
diva singer: Evelin Tóth

APR/13/12 Open Studio with guest Figures

On the 20th April our studio will be infested with figures. They will be on the walls, on the shelves, on the bags and even on faces.

graphic design: ayweeart, Kőteleky Éva
bags: Vezsó, Varga Zsófia
knitted animals: Filful, Uri Erika
make up: Bíró Andi ................ The first five volunteer will get an extrem make up for the night

Guests are awaited from 6pm.

MAR/05/12 Olds and News

FEB/18/12 Lamp-making workshop in the studio

From the beginning of March a lamp making workshop will take place in the KanguLUM Studio where you can learn the procedure and prepare a lamp for yourself.

Detailed information is here only in Hungarian. Please ask if you are interested. Send me a mail to kangulum@kangulum.hu .

FEB/02/12 Personal lamps

Personal lamps can be made from the papers of somebodies birth date, the sheets of your favorite music or novel....

FEB/01/12 Open studio 3rd February

Open studio on Friday from 4 pm to 9 pm with exhibition, concert and a small fair of clothing.

JAN/08/12 Brighten Your Ears

DEC/19/11 lampafternoon

Open studio on Wednesday, December 21 · 2:00pm - 8:00pm

DEC/08/11 Paripa market 2011 (in Brussels) is here

See more

DEC/07/11 Va. Ka. Lu. performance in Szimpla Kert

SEP/21/11 Zsizsergés No.7.

Open studio on Thursday, September 22 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm

SEP/20/11 two and a half dimensions

KanguLUM lamps at Master Varnyus 2 and a half dimensional exhibition in Pótkulcs (Bp.,VI. Csengery u. 65/b) until 15th October.

AUG/04/11 Hopp

Pioneer lamps on the page. katt.

JUL/24/11 half a year discount

JUL/23/11 news from Georgia

KanguLUM team is back from the Georgian expedition. Mission completed: the secret writings are in the country now. Somehow this home environment has thrown new light upon the Georgian news...

JUN/07/11 fashion is passion on thursday

Voila, this is our new showroom. If you want to see from a bit closer what's in there, come an visit us on Thursday between 6-10 pm. We give 10% discount of everything and also a gift will find its new owner selected by a draw among the visitors.

JUN/05/11 heads up

The new pioneer lanterns have arrived and going to flood the site; until that you can check out their facebook gallery.

MAY/10/11 we moved

The new address is: 1082 Budapest, Baross u. 78.

MAY/10/11 wandering studio

The studio opening party was great! Thanks for everyone!

Nevertheless we decided not to fight with the deep sea dragon any further and proceed. No worries...to be cont.

APR/14/11 studio opening

We are open from 19h, show starts at 20h! Come!

UPDATE: photos here

APR/05/11 reporting zsizsi 3

The Zsizsi last Friday was excellent. More frightening pictures (here)

Our winner is: Mészáros Peti, alias MOHA. Worth to see his work when he is not paddling on his brand new Dodekula lamp. (mohablog)

MAR/30/11 Zsizsergés No.3

Our studio is open to visitors on Friday between 6-10 pm. Come and look around to see what we've made recently. We give 10% discount of everything and also a gift will find its new owner selected by a draw among the visitors.

MAR/09/11 WWF and me

From now on we protect nature together with light

more: http://www.foldoraja.hu/

MAR/08/11 Zsizsergés No.2.

Zsizsergés is a recurring showup :) in the KanguLUM & trenntre Studio! Check out the new goods they've made recently; see, try on, touch, talk, play, win, buy (-10%).

Join and enjoy!

Event from Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140571092676208

FEB/19/11 WAMP time!

Dear Light Walkers!

Next WAMP on Sunday (tomorrow) at Millenáris B csarnok. Trenntre and KanguLUM join their forces, come and touch!

Trenntre and  KanguLUM join their forces

FEB/16/11 New studio

Anna and Eszter Galicza (shoe designer) have opened their new studio!

If you like to visit them, drop an email or call Anna. You can be ther first official visitor, if you are fast enough..

address: Bp. VIII. Üllői út 66/b

Új lámpaműhely egyik szobája

DEC/20/10 Fresh FIShEs 3. (exhibition)

Fresh FIShEs 3. exhibition in January 2010


DEC/10/10 WAMP (12th and 19th of December)

It's snowing here, in Budapest, can't be better! Mount your skis and visit us on the next two WAMPs before Christmas!

NOV/29/10 Exhibition in CD-FŰ (Budapest)

Big Kangulum Lamp Exhibition at CD-FŰ, Budapest! The opening party was a real success, thank you everyone who helped me Anna or came. If You missed it, until dec. 15. you can go and see the lamps beetween 4 pm and midnight, every day, but the musicians and dancers won't show up again.. :)

Check the webshop to see some of the lamps.

<img class="bloginlineimage" src="/media/images/any/2010_11_cdfu_kiallitas.jpg"/>
#Kipp #ikoza #moira #Szerpentina #Leaflamp #Szerpentina #Gamma #Leaflamp #ikoza #pioneer #Umbrelli #pioneer